I really know a method that can cure the illness. But my problem is that the American Government is surveillanting me 24 hours a day. They record every word that I type on my computer with software, even this message. Because I am a foreigner, they infringe my human right. Even if I try to write to the surveillanting TV stations to get evidence, I cannot get anything; the media of America is a government branch, too. I really do not have time and energy and spirit to tell you how to solve your problem, now. Please pardon me for this. What I can tell now is that there is hope in the horizon. I will try to help cure the kind of American that could be called as 'person' not as wild animal. beginning of May Today I experience again the mental control plan of American Government. They try to induce illusion on me, again. They have done this for more than half a year. You really want to sent all of them to the hell. Almost no partisan in American claim he is not Christian. But they are really Satans sons. 05/07/01 When I first come to America, no one will know that I have schizophrenia. The only people that spread my personnel confidential information will be American Government. When I claim being cured, they started the Mental (Mind) control plan. This is not a new plan, if you search the website, you can find the CIA's plan exists for years. The difference is that I am a foreigner. They infringe my human right; they do not need to let you know and then act on you. They started the plan; try to influence the election and the relationship with my home country. No one will believe that the American Government is so evil; they will make fun of sick people. But they did this. The TV stations in American involved in these ugly things, strange enough, they watch but not report. What they are waiting for, God knows. Thanks God, I survive till today. I claim cured and know the methods that can cure others, I think. However, I have first fight for my human right, I am facing a strong American, its CIA and FBI, and American media. Do you think that I can defeat this strong animal? I need your support. I am currently try to get legal assistance. But you all know, how hopeless I will be with a patient history like this. But I shall not stop; as your patients knows that we shall not abandon our hope. Today, I experience again the feeling that there are back-up actions of powerful organization on my subway travel. This is not an abnormal day to me. They have set up video cameras in my home already. I need evidence, as you see. It is hard to get evidence for our sick people. And without evidence is part of the plan of mental control. Thank you! I will be back later. 05/08/01 Here I just list the CIA MK ULTRA mind control of the early days. Though today they use a different method on me (mainly psychology methods), and they are not willing to admit it to the American public and the World till now. Their purpose is the same - using my weakness as a psychiatric patient (or who just recovered) to gain they political purposes. The partisans of American can easily find psychology personnel to work for them nowadays, due to the expansion of the psychology major study in American. Some comments from http://www.parascope.com/ds/mkultra0.htm of the CIA MK ULTRA mind control plan since 1950s: One Senate committee put it this way in 1975: "From its beginning in the early 1950s until its termination in 1963, the program of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting non-volunteer human subjects demonstrates a failure of the CIA's leadership to pay adequate attention to the rights of individuals and to provide effective guidance to CIA employees. Though it was known that the testing was dangerous, the lives of subjects were placed in jeopardy and were ignored.... Although it was clear that the laws of the United States were being violated, the testing continued." Though the most prominently discussed aspect of MKULTRA is the CIA's LSD work, the program included many other unusual investigations relating to the science of mind control. CIA researchers probed the potential of numerous parapsychological phenomena, including hypnosis, telepathy, precognition, photokinesis and "remote viewing." One 1955 MKULTRA document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; the memo refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances which would: "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public" "increase the efficiency of mentation and perception" "prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol" "promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol" "produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc." "render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness" "enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called 'brainwashing'" "produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use" "produc[e] shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use" "produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc." "produce 'pure' euphoria with no subsequent let-down" "alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced" "cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning" "lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts" "promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects" 05/09/21 The MK ULTRA plan that they used on me is mainly psychological. I have to ask you for patience to let me to discourse the detail of it. First of all they must gather enough information of me. They must know my personality and habits etc. Who can do this? The secret agents and the psychologists can. I go to see a psychologist at a state university in Southeast of America. They record every word of mine (seems normal for a research institute), they also let me do a thorough psychology test (normal again). But then, my personal information is leaked to the partisans of American. But gather information is only the first step, without video camera, without listening and watching what I am doing everyday, they still cannot mind control me. So they need their secret agents to help them to finish this work. Who else in American can do this? Here comes the doubtable role of the TV stations of American. Are they just watch, or participate? Or first watch then participate? Or they participate by its personnel involuntarily (because of partisans)? However they play a critical role in this mind control plan. Without them, I will not initialize my interactive activity with others. Without them, I will not believe that I will get evidence later, so I begin to afraid of nothing. Without them, my numb head, just getting rid of schizoaffective illness (the exact word, but may not be the exact diagnoses, I will explain that later) at that time will not be so excited to try to do something, even if it is forced. I will come back later 05/10/01 I do not know how the American Government initializes the MK ULTRA mind control plan on me. A reasonable explanation of this is that they first just collect information of me and watch & eavesdrop my activity. They try to persuade me to do something against my home country, even if I am on medicine.(These are just hint that I get, not evidence) By the way, do you think that American government will care about me, just because of I am sick? I don't think so. They do not care about their own people; they only care about themselves (individualism? :)) Then, they may find out that I skip medicine; and I really skip that for a long time. So they seize the chance and start this MK ULTRA mind control plan on me. - you do not listen to me, hum; you cannot even control yourself, your mind. The psychological mind control plan must have patients "cooperation". Patient must skip medicine himself, so his mind is overactive (strong association) and sensitive to chain action. In other word, the patient tries to connect everything together to form a clue to solve the mystery around him. So, the American Government and its secret agents and the partisans provide clues for me, stimulate my nerves to let me to solve the problem. I am acting just as a mind robot. Thinking for them, working for them, without payment. And the result is they stimulate me, so that they control what I am thinking about, they spread the words (should be excellent) through various channels to influence the election, to influence the relationship with my home country. They stimulate me, they control me, they control the country of American, and they may want to control the world. I am just a mind slave. As you all may know that the words from mind illness people are normally fresh and interesting, if it is not insane. They steal my intelligent property at the same time. As I have told you before that they even know these word that I am typing here. I will be back later. 05/10/01 One interesting words that I said is related to the big-bang theory of the universe. I provide a solution for this dilemma of human kind by saying that we are just opening a sphere window in this universe. It is contrast and complement with the big-bang theory of the universe. Though there are mathematical difficulty to convince people ( I will come to this later), But it is a fresh saying through what the American Government and its secret agencies see the value of make use of me. I will be back 05/10/01 When I say that they have a MK ULTRA mind control plan on me, this maybe misleading. Thinking about the Democratic feature of America today, it is unimaginable that this plan has so many people participate - especially the partisans. However, if you think every partisan know this plan, you exaggerate the reality, and it cannot be a plan (do not think all participants are bad); But if you think the psychologists, the party whips and the secret agents' leaders do not hide behind and manipulate, you underestimate their intelligent level. There surely should be a name for this plan, or project, or whatever you call it. Whether this is gradually formed action or detail designed plan, we can only guess. I did not think that there should be a mind control plan myself, unless I feel the people atmosphere that surround me change like real weather. I search for the website for phrase "What the hell is CIA" and other such words. I then find the MK ULTRA plan of CIA of the old days. Then I try to search for the web for "CIA MK ULTRA mind control". I get further information. Reading through them, I understand what happens around me. There is not other explanation, the hints that people give to me, the plausibility that people around me on the subway seams to know what I have just done and will do (I originally think that this is mind-reading. How else can they know me?) Will you not call this mind control? They watch and eavesdrop you at home, in your car, on the road, in the subway, and at school. Not only this, they really interactive mutely or with hint to induce association or even worse illusion on you. Do you really reluctant to think them evil? Till now, I still cannot get any evidence from the TV stations, they participate this plan. If they want to be a government branch of American, would that be ok? But shall this stop we from thinking that they are part of evil? Or even they are evil? Clearly, they want to be all evil - so no single evil punishment. But this cannot change their evil characteristic. I have to rest upon here, because the big evil of American that follows would make weak people cannot stand. 05/11/01 However, thinking of a plan, or a project or an action can be carried on, you will know that there must be rules that guide through it. Here the psychologists know the rules, the patient does not initially. And even he knows later, what can he do? The project sponsors and executers (American Government, the secret agents leaders and the two parties whips) should know that. However, the mass cannot know it. Otherwise, it cannot be facilitated in a democratic society. So, mind control condition matured, once the patient skips medicine and get in a status between health and sick (third health status) I really want to say that there are lots of kind people get into this, voluntarily or involuntarily. Thinking about the millennium of Jesus birthday, thinking about the urgent situation of voting polls of election of year 2000 of American. There are church people, TV station personals and others. No matter they are voluntarily or involuntarily. I think most of them are involuntarily to get into the two party struggles to power and hurt innocent person. Surely, they should be partisan, but to hurt innocent person, I initially do not believe that they are so bad, especially, the church people. From August 2000 onset, I experience a strong phase of mind control plan. Why that I am so convinced that there is a plan, is base on two facts and the understanding of the characteristics of the secret agents the CIA or FBI. The first is that the first time I remember that I became a victim. The time is before August 2001, a longer time period that I skip medicine. This is a typical psychological mind control scenario (though the scenario happens till today :)) I just arranged to sat well on a seat on the subway train, a guy come from behind and sat in front of me. He opened a newspaper so that I could see. The caption that I can remember like: There isnt anything unordinary that will happens, then the guy turn the page to show me another caption: At the end it is a joke. I sickly nodded my head, or my facial expression showed satisfied. My numb mind at that time associate this with what I had thought about, my worldview. I may talk about my worldview that day before, and they can eavesdrop that. But I cannot remember the detail. Then in August 2001, I notice the TV stations suddenly surveillanted on me, surely unexpectedly. The other fact is about my life. I am a person that speaks less. However, I am a poor foreign student, I cannot afford 2 bedroom apartment. I have to sublease one room. So I get social contact. I have two suspicious roommates, one before august, the other during the 2000election. The first one is An American. We talked about worldview and philosophy. He is a Ph. D student at the same University that I attend. He has an undergraduate psychology background. He is a little bit in the third health status as I remembered. He connect things together (too much associations). I do not know whether he try to teach and induce me a thinking method (I skip medicine at that time), or he is being partially mind controlled at the same time, or he unintendedly inspired the secret agents that eavesdrop me of mind control feasibility. But I think he has great probability to try to induce chain mind action on me from back thought. (Another memory is too sensitive that will expose too much of me, I will skip it here.) The second roommate is of the same original nationality as me. We talk about the election and my home country. I am sure that he knows too much about me than he should. He introduced too much sensitive topic about the election and my home country. The question is should he know the mind control plan? My answer is not necessarily. Because I am already in status, do chain mind thinking whatever without outside help. Here we can understand why lots of people that involved do not admit that they are in an evil plan. Because, they may not necessary need to know. It works just as a democratic society should work. But who started it? 05/12/01 So who start it? Who continue support it hiddenly? This is not a detective novel; I can just give you the outline above. (I will skip my observations here now, in case that will hurt some one, even they deserve it somewhat) Actually, I can only guess, I do not quiet understand the power structure of the American systems. To whom do the FBI or CIA report for? Who can supervise them? What is the role of the Government? Who is the government leader then? What is the relationship between House and Senate and the Government? What they are doing at the various House and Senate committees. How the media interactive with the power structures? Or even, how the local government and the federal government interact? However, they MK ULTRA mind controlled on me. They provide contradictory clues on me. The TV stations, the passengers on the subway, and the students at school. My slavery mind machine works with combination of my background experience. I have to provide a solution. I have to, have to, have to, to, to, Because their body languages continue to ask me to do that. Originally, they may tolerate my influence (for various purposes). Once they found out that my slavery mind might have the probability to really influence the final result, they fell into self-contradictory. (Some of this growing bigger and bigger system fall to understand how imaginary a mind illness patient could be or may neglect their part psychologists suggestion, or something else. But from here we can see Gods intension, he really hate evil) They have to continue to keep their various channels of spreading information open, otherwise one part will lose immature. And they must increase the interaction with me intensively. As I said here is not a novel, it is just a web posting. So I skip the details to the result. The result is you all know that George W. Bush become the President of American, while I intended a re-vote according to mathematical probability distinguishability of human error. (I am not familiar with the American systems, and I am just a mind slave, these are not all done by me, my influence is only one part, maybe quite a part, of the total election influence, But really, the waken part of my head still can feel that I am being used) I maybe a little jealous, myself here, there will be a President anyhow. (For the detail of how this election renders thus result, as the open discussion is going on even now, I will leave the readers to evaluate and guess and the historians to judge, it is beyond my ability, I skip it here) What I want to say here is the result after. Who win? Who loss? Should they stop Mind Control me? Who will deal with the eavesdropping and cameras? Should there someone have legal responsibility? Should the government reimburse me? Can I get legal evidence? Should the media reimburse me? Why cannot they stop even now? Should American stop evil, even if they do not admit to have bean evil? 05/13/01 So, the critical question comes out. It is easy to tell a history story, but when you come to reality, you will face the reality, nothing else. I am currently still try to fight for my right. I have written to some key figures of the parliaments and the government. My case cannot be even gotten into the judiciary procedures, been ignored, I think. The people that I write to are George W. Bush, John Ashcroft, and the judiciary committees of the House and the Senate. No evidence, evidence is everywhere, but they do not form evidence. The good thing is that I originally did not expect too much, with such high layer of American power structure involvements, so I am not disappointed. Besides that I undergo this mind control and feel cured. Nowadays, even I still face some real psychological test, I do not care that much. No matter it is done promptly or it is still part of the mind control plan, or it is just a joke. Like a children game, we play one by one. And now it is not my turn, if I really guess the reality well. I just want to get rid of this nonsense mind control plan. And I will continue to fight for my right for a while. If it cannot stop, ask the American government why it cannot be stopped; If you feel guilty, or your government guilty ask them; If you think that you cannot get you share of pizza, think of that the whole pizza can be others, and now I still have nothing, even my human right, intelligent properties and privacy, and further dont ask my to make a pizza for you; you direct all your questions to your government. So, after so many experiences, I have no further plan. Dont wish that I can do anything that will specially benefit you. You know what, that I am still optimistic and I hope that you too. I hope mind ill patient could learn something of the reality from my experience. If you can imagine what kind of reality that I have faced, are facing and will face, you should be optimistic. I have to fight myself of not taking life too easy now, I have to have a short term aim or purpose anyhow. At last, I believe in God. 05/14/01 For those of you who have read my whole story, please go to http://www.vegan.swinternet.co.uk/articles/conspiracies/cathyandmark.html to read a report of psychological trauma based mind control plan of American government of the early days. They do not need drug even at that time. I survived their real mind control plan. Thanks God. Though the story told at http://www.vegan.swinternet.co.uk/articles/conspiracies/cathyandmark.html are some what combined with imagination I think(lack of evidence is the key of psychological mind control, otherwise, you will verify the fact by yourself). But the point is trauma based mind control is possible even then and I almost sure that it already exists for years in American. I have confidence to believe that lots of psychologists know mind control very well, if not practice it once or twice. 05/30/01
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